Uses of Interface

Packages that use IExperiment

Uses of IExperiment in edu.uah.math.experiments

Classes in edu.uah.math.experiments that implement IExperiment
 class BallotExperiment
          This class implements the classical ballot experiment: the winner has a specified number of votes and the loser has a specified, smaller number of votes.
 class BertrandExperiment
          Betrand's experiment is to create a random chord on the unit circle and see if the lenght of this chord is longer thant the length of a side of the inscribed triangle.
 class BetaCoinExperiment
          This class models the beta coin experiment.
 class BetaEstimateExperiment
          This class models the point estimation problem of the beta distribution.
 class BinomialCoinExperiment
          This experiment consists of tossing n coins, each with probability of heads p.
 class BinomialTimelineExperiment
          This class implements the binomial experiment.
 class BirthdayExperiment
          This class models the birthday experiment: a sample of a specified size is chosen with replacement from a population of a specified size.
 class BivariateNormalExperiment
          This experiment generates a point (X, Y) from a bivariate normal distribution with mean (0, 0).
 class BivariateUniformExperiment
          This class models a bivariate uniform experiment.
 class BuffonCoinExperiment
          Buffon's coin experiment consists of tossing a coin on a floor covered in square tiles.
 class BuffonNeedleExperiment
          Buffon's needle experiment consists of dropping a needle on a wooden floor.
 class CardExperiment
          The card experiment consists of drawing a sample of cards, without replacement, form a standard deck.
 class ChiSquareFitExperiment
          This class models a chi-square Goodness of fit experiment in terms of dice.
 class ChuckALuckExperiment
          This class models the classic chuck-a-luck experiment that consists of rolling three dice.
 class CoinDieExperiment
          The coin-die experiment consists of tossing a coin, and then rolling one of two dice, depending on the value of the coin.
 class CoinSampleExperiment
          This class models a basic experiment that tosses n coins, generating a random sample from the Bernoulli distribution.
 class CoinTossLawOfLargeNumbersExperiment
          This experiment consists of tossing n coins, each with probability of heads p.
 class CouponCollectorExperiment
          The coupon collector experiment consists of selecting a sampling, with replacement from a finite population.
 class CrapsExperiment
          This class simulates the basic casino craps game.
 class DiceExperiment
          This class models a basic experiment that consists of rolling n dice.
 class DiceSampleExperiment
          This class models a simple experiment that consists of rolling n dice, thus sampling from the underlying die distribution.
 class DieCoinExperiment
          The die-coin experiment consists of rolling a die, and then tossing a coin the number of times shown on the die.
 class EstimateExperiment
          This class defines a basic experiment to illustrate point estimates of a parameter.
 class Experiment
          This class defines a basic, discrete time stochastic process that can be subclassed.
 class ExponentialTimesCarExperiment
          This class models the Times between Cars driving on a highway.
 class FiniteOrderStatisticExperiment
          This class models the experiment of selecting a sample of a specified size (without replacement) from from the population 1, 2, ..., m.
 class FireExperiment
          This class models the fire experiment.
 class GaltonBoardExperiment
          This class models the classical Galton board experiment, illustrating the binomial distribution.
 class GammaEstimateExperiment
          This class models the point estimation exerpiment for the gamma distribution.
 class GammaExperiment
          This class models the gamma distribution in terms of the arrival times of a Poisson process.
 class LLN_SimpleExperiment
          This experiment consists of tossing n coins, each with probability of heads p.
 class MarkovChainExperiment
          This class models a basic Markov chain with state space {0, 1, ..., n}.
 class MatchExperiment
          This class models the matching experiment.
 class MeanEstimateExperiment
          This class models the interval estimation experiment in the standard normal model.
 class MeanTestExperiment
          This class models the hypothesis test experiment in the standard normal model.
 class MontyHallExperiment
          This class models the famous Monty Hall experiment.
 class NegativeBinomialExperiment
          This class models the negative binomial experiment; the random variable of interest is the number of trials until a specified number of successes.
 class NormalEstimateExperiment
          This class models the point estimation problem associated with the normal distribution.
 class OrderStatisticExperiment
          This experiment illustrates the distribution of the order statistic corresponding to a specified distribution and a specified order.
 class ParetoEstimateExperiment
          This class models the point estimation problem of the Pareto distribution.
 class PointExperiment
          This class models the famous problem of points experiment.
 class Poisson2DExperiment
          This class models the 2 dimensional Poisson process.
 class PoissonExperiment
          This class models the number of arrivals in an interval of a specified size for the Poisson process with a specified rate.
 class PoissonSplitExperiment
          This class models the two-type Poisson experiment.
 class PokerDiceExperiment
          The poker dice exeperiment consists of rolling 5 dice.
 class PokerExperiment
          This class models the experiment of dealing a standard 5-card poker hand.
 class ProbabilityPlotExperiment
          This class models the probability plot experiment.
 class ProportionEstimateExperiment
          This class models the experiment of estimating the probability of success in the Bernoulli trials model.
 class ProportionTestExperiment
          This class models the hypothesis testing experiment for the probability of success in the Bernoulli trials model.
 class RandomVariableExperiment
          This is a basic experiment for simulating the values from a number of distributions.
 class RandomWalkExperiment
          This class models the simple random walk on the time interval [0, 2n].
 class RedBlackExperiment
          This class models the red and black experiment.
 class RouletteExperiment
          This class models the casino roulette experiment.
 class SampleMeanExperiment
          This class models the sample mean experiment.
 class SamplingDistributionExperiment
          A Sampling Distribution and CLT Experiment
 class SignTestExperiment
          This class models the sign test experiment.
 class SpinnerExperiment
          This experiment spins a spinner (the number of divisions is specified by the user) and records the value of each spin.
 class TriangleExperiment
          The triangle experiment is to break a stick at random and see if the pieces form an acute triangle, an obtuse triangle, or no triangle at all.
 class Uniform_E_EstimateExperiment
          This class models the point estimation problem associated with the Uniform distribuiton on the interval [0, 1].
 class UniformEstimateExperiment
          This class models the point estimation problem associated with the uniform distribuiton on the interval [0, a].
 class UrnExperiment
          This class defines a basic experiment based on drawing balls from an urn.
 class VarianceEstimateExperiment
          The experiment is to select a random sample of size n from a specified distribution, and then to construct an approximate confidence interval for the standard deviation at a specified confidence level.
 class VarianceTestExperiment
          This class models the hypothesis testing experiment for the variance in the standard normal model.
 class VoterExperiment
          This class models the voter experiment.

Uses of IExperiment in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.applications

Classes in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.applications that implement IExperiment
 class Application

Uses of IExperiment in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.applications.demo

Classes in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.applications.demo that implement IExperiment
 class BinomialTradingApplication
          The Binomial Trading Application demonstrates the Price of a stock call with time: Inputs: S0 = Price of the stock at time zero (now).
 class BlackScholesApplication
          The triangle experiment is to break a stick at random and see if the pieces form a triangle.
 class NoApp
          Package: edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.applications.demo Date: Aug 20, 2008 Time: 2:43:45 AM
 class PortfolioApplication
          The triangle experiment is to break a stick at random and see if the pieces form a triangle.
 class PortfolioApplication2
          The triangle experiment is to break a stick at random and see if the pieces form a triangle.
 class StockApplication
          The triangle experiment is to break a stick at random and see if the pieces form a triangle.
 class StockSimulationApplication
          The triangle experiment is to break a stick at random and see if the pieces form a triangle.

Uses of IExperiment in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.chart.util

Classes in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.chart.util that implement IExperiment
 class MixtureEMExperiment

Uses of IExperiment in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.core

Methods in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.core that return IExperiment
static IExperiment Experiment.getInstance(java.lang.String classname)

Uses of IExperiment in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.experiments

Classes in edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.experiments that implement IExperiment
 class ConfidenceIntervalExperimentGeneral
 class ConfidenceIntervalExperimentSimple
 class ExponentialExperiment
          This experiment models the exponential distribution in terms of the inter- arrival times of a Poisson process
 class GeneralBirthdayExperiment
          This class models the general birthday experiment: a sample of a specified size is chosen with replacement from a population of a specified size.
 class SimulationResampleExperiment
          The card experiment consists of drawing a sample of cards, without replacement, form a standard deck.